TO THOSE persons seeking discussion for Sundays coming forth in the lectionary, we offer a listing according to the three-year calendar.
On the right-hand column of this page, please find the past corresponding year for lectionary years A, B, or C.
And then search the appropriate month in each for a discussion concerning the gospel reading.

Monday, February 19, 2024

You Can Do Better!

 FOR THE Second Sunday in Lent, we hear of the confusion in being a disciple. Read and understand the reaction of the apostles when they were asked about the identity of Jesus...

Get Behind Me




Monday, February 12, 2024

Truth Played Well

 FOR THE First Sunday in Lent, we hear of Jesus going for a trip into the wilderness. We who experience the wild places whether in urban, suburbs or rural areas need to hear his guidance clearly.


Being Driven and Played?



Monday, February 5, 2024

Blindingly Righteous!

 FOR THE Celebration of the Transfiguration, we are called to look directly at the Son. Unlike the harm that can be caused to our eyes by the burning sun, the revealed image of Christ on the mountaintop will cauterize our sinfulness and heal us.

Radically Bright