TO THOSE persons seeking discussion for Sundays coming forth in the lectionary, we offer a listing according to the three-year calendar.
On the right-hand column of this page, please find the past corresponding year for lectionary years A, B, or C.
And then search the appropriate month in each for a discussion concerning the gospel reading.

Monday, November 29, 2021

Steer Straight & Level...

FOR THE Second Sunday in Advent, we hear the words of John the Baptizer warning us about annual cleanliness. Read about whether your soap and water prepares for the holy days.

 Get Clean! 

Monday, November 22, 2021

Watch Heaven and Earth Therefore...

 FOR THE First Sunday in Advent, we hear our Lord's prediction of rough days ahead. Hear them in context from the days of their writing.

Of Heaven and Earth




Monday, November 15, 2021

King of kings!

 FOR THE Celebration of Christ the King Sunday, we examine the dialog between this world's temporal authority and God's eternal King.

King and Lord!