For the Seventh Sunday of Easter, we read once more from the
Gospel According to Saint John. In this week’s gospel, we hear words of a prayer
spoken to the Father by Jesus. In these words which occurred during the Last
Supper, we hear our Lord’s petitions concerning the disciples… and those who would
follow after them in faith.
"I do not pray
for these only, but also for those who believe in me through their word, that
they may all be one; even as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they
also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me.
The glory which you have given me I have given
to them, that they may be one even as we are one, I in them and you in me, that
they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you have sent me
and have loved them even as you have loved me.
Father, I desire that they also whom you have
given me, may be with me where I am, to behold my glory which you have given me
in your love for me before the foundation of the world.
O righteous Father, the world has not known you,
but I have known you; and these know that you have sent me. I made known to
them your name, and I will make it known, that the love with which you have
loved me may be in them, and I in them."
(John 17:20-26)
Why One?
In the upper room
where Jesus gathered with his disciples, he had prophesied many things to them.
As the conversation drew to a close however, Jesus turned his attention to the
Father and began to pray departing words before his gathered followers. The
emphasis of his prayer concerned the unfolding future of his disciples, and
any persons who would come along afterward to walk in faith. Heard by those
apostolic witnesses, Jesus petitioned that his disciples would be one with himself and
the Father.
The word glory we understand
from the Greek as having a wide application. It broadly carried a literal,
figurative, and objective or subjective usage. Here it seems to indicate, however,
that Jesus wanted his followers to literally participate in the unified dignity
and respect that eternally existed between the Father and the Son. Jesus was
asking the Father that those who would be left behind by his Crucifixion should
be given this gift. Thus they would not be abandoned.
The dignity God gave
in response, therefore, was a literal quality not earned by any disciple, but yet freely given. Jesus, by enduring the unfolding plan of divine salvation… went to
the cross, paying the penalty for human sinfulness. He offered up before God
the price for the glory requested from the Father. He offered this gracious gift
freely on behalf of those who believed and would come to believe, His life was then,
and eternally is now… consequently the price paid for our perfect, eternal restoration and
communion with God..
Why Recalled?
When we delve further into the reasons for the writing of
this prayer in the gospel of John, we consider the turmoil that was going on in
his churches at the time of its writing. These were churches to which this
gospel was first written. By studying their setting, we can find a message for
us as we live now in our own age. For the situation
in life (sitz en leben) in John’s churches, we see that the life they once knew was
falling apart. The infant church of the late first century was being tossed about
by hostilities. Therefore, John used this prayer to point out that just as the faith and
unity of the first disciples had been challenged, and the Holy Spirit kept them
together after the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus in spite of those threats, so was the eternal Church to
be sustained through turmoil by the power of the Holy Spirit.
In this prayer,
therefore, the Johannine community heard words concerning not only the apostles, but their own situation as well.
Enlightened by these words, both the church of John and we ourselves who now gather…
may realize that while not always being accepted by the world... we are perpetuated by the
grace of God.
The disciples were told that the message would endure. Thus the churches who came after them, and the followers od Jesus Christ who were in the midst of splitting away from synagogues and persecuted by the Roman authorities.... also knew peace even when meeting in the catacombs of cemeteries. These foundling communities were needful of this strengthening message. Jesus had prayed that his followers would be one with himself, and one with the Father. Thus they would be eternal as God is eternal. This good news was given by John by the power of the Holy Spirit. Those of the early Church, therefore, had surety of oneness in baptism and the Holy Eucharist. Each time they gathered, the event became a truly divine moment of togetherness.
The disciples were told that the message would endure. Thus the churches who came after them, and the followers od Jesus Christ who were in the midst of splitting away from synagogues and persecuted by the Roman authorities.... also knew peace even when meeting in the catacombs of cemeteries. These foundling communities were needful of this strengthening message. Jesus had prayed that his followers would be one with himself, and one with the Father. Thus they would be eternal as God is eternal. This good news was given by John by the power of the Holy Spirit. Those of the early Church, therefore, had surety of oneness in baptism and the Holy Eucharist. Each time they gathered, the event became a truly divine moment of togetherness.
What Does This Mean
For Us?
Though sinful then, as we gather in similar fashion we may seek
our own “agogic” (togetherness) moments. These can occur gracefully within our individual
church communities. We are sustained and reminded that we too are forgiven and made part of a great divine power working within the world about us.

As persons who receive
forgiveness and are restored in hope, this reading subsequently calls us to task. We are to do
grace-filled ministry in a sinful and pain-ridden world. We are to feed, heal and comfort others,
providing the good news of salvation for those that feel the pain of separation
from God. We may rightfully ask in prayer that the Holy Spirit shall be poured
out, just as our Lord did before the Crucifixion and Resurrection. This is
needful for us to do, so that repentant people shall know a better way of
Therefore, as the
collective Church gathered, let us together endorse and empower evangelical persons
to write their faith onto the blank slate of waiting hearts and minds. We may rightfully
pray that this effort would occur in a new, emerging generation. Let us aim to teach
mothers, fathers, and children concerning the Holy Spirit’s work among us, so that every
person shall know that they are called to join with us in this wondrous task. In the Spirit, le us pray
to the Father that we may be one and we might participate faithfully
alongside one another. So it was written by John.., and so may it be.
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